The best time to recover a debt.
After the last blog talking about old debts, we had questions regarding when is the best time to recover a debt? A case can be made that some debts require a time to cool down and breathe before attempting to recover once more. Others may claim for slow payers that letting your client get in a better financial position can be profitable.
None of this is false, every debt is different and involves different people in unique situations.
So when is best?
As soon as possible – let me explain.
I agree that so many circumstances can affect timing, including the above and your own budget, unless you are protected. We see this every day in every case. Every situation has a key moment where all the cards are lined up and the chances are the best they can be. Sometimes collection happens after a 2 minute talk with a debtor, sometimes after 3 emails and others after almost winding up a company.
My question is, why risk it? If someone owes you money, chances are you aren’t the only one. A few articles including 10 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Paying Off Debt (written by Bill Fay) mention many debtors fall into the trap of a snowball effect of debts. Most helpful organisations push debtors to pay off one debt at a time. What happens if you follow-up on payments for a year before collection? You are now at the back of the line.
Recovering Debts is what we do.
No matter what, the best time to recover a debt is a soon as possible. If instant resolution isn’t the answer, we can provide the tools and structure to ensure when the opportunity is there, the collection can happen. To avoid the mistake of chasing up a payment for a year and wasting your valuable time, let us do it for you. Our team is trained to find the best solution at ANY age of debt and we hope we can show you this with results.
Although this is just a short blog regarding age of debts, it’s really a short answer to an even better question. When do you want your money paid?
On time – Use accounts receivables to help.
Now – Use debt collection
Someday in the future – We will be here for you and happy to help.
We have more blogs for our services and notes from experience in this industry. I hope you can profit from these notes written.
Henley Recoveries Group are a no-win, no-fee debt collection agency with an excellent track record of collections. Recover your unpaid invoices by submitting a debt with us.
Contact us on our main phone, 0466 243 114 or email info@henleyrecoveriesgroup.com.au to discuss how we can help.
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